Monday, August 29, 2011

Things I hate. #2 Children

As a female, people assume I have a one track mind to want to get married and have small humans walk out of my no-no zone so I can help with the over population of our wonderful world.  This is not true.  I actually have no want or need to breed, in fact, I despise children...prob more than I hate pitbull owners, animal abusers and the day where I have to pay rent, combined.
If hell exists and I am sent there for some reason, who really would have that idea, since I am near perfect, it would be me stuck in a daycare for all of eternity with the unbaptized babies.  (Someone has to take care of the purgatory babies, right?!)  I would be forced to hear them screaming about how mom wont buy them the iPhone4 at the ripe age of 6, and how the other kid got Cocoa Puffs for dinner and he didn't.

They are completely useless!  They are like dogs, only not as cute, and you cannot legally lock them in a cage for the 9 hours you are at work.  (I can actually bring in my dog to work, because he is cuter than a child, and listens to me when I say "STAY!")  They like to make things sticky, and full of germs, they scream and they have no respect for the fact that you bought them everything they "own".  

The best thing, is a dog can actually be trained to take care of humans and can be a functioning asset to society.  How many kids have you seen that have been strapped to a harness and taught to lead a blind person through traffic?!  Oh thats right, none!  You never hear of a "service kid", but there are tons of service Dogs in the world!  

You even are stuck cleaning up after them!  Picking up their poop, toys, dishes, ect.  My dog knows to poop in the shrubbery where no one sees so I dont have to pick it up, he does not play with toys (but he owns them), licks his dishes clean every day, and never makes a mess.  The one time he got in the trash was not even a large mess!  

Kids at the grocery store or Ikea are the worst!  They think that because they are out of their cage, they can play with everything!  They are constantly touching everything that exists, running around, and not being yelled at by their parental units.  When I was a waitress, I had a kid with those wheelies roll into me while holding a tray of 6 plates, at least 25 lbs of food and dishes, when he hit me the tray went flying to the floor... and who got yelled at by the parent?!  Oh, me!  Because I should have seen the little kid rolling at top speeds towards me and the tray that was 20% of my weight.  Well news flash mother... I had to pay for those meals, and I had to work extra hours to pay off the wages that your kid caused me...It wasn't ChuckECheese, why are you letting your kid basically ROLLERBLADE inside my section?

Kids are prob the most disgusting creatures that are on this world.  Children Spiders are the only things that will top the baby humans.    

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