Monday, August 29, 2011

Things I hate. #2 Children

As a female, people assume I have a one track mind to want to get married and have small humans walk out of my no-no zone so I can help with the over population of our wonderful world.  This is not true.  I actually have no want or need to breed, in fact, I despise children...prob more than I hate pitbull owners, animal abusers and the day where I have to pay rent, combined.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Things I Fear. #1 Spiders

OH HELL DO I HATE THOSE EIGHT LEGGED FREAKS!  They are the most disgusting thing in the entire world.  covered in germs from the eight shoeless feet, and filled to the brim with poison and creepiness.  The fuckers suck the blood out of their victims and then let them die in the spiders homes.... If a human did that the person would be put to death for crimes against humanity!  WTF do we think it is normal for some creature to do it!  SICK!

Today I was going to the bathroom at work (Apparently I have not gotten enough hits on this site to make any money, WTF people!  Share this blog so I can become rich).  When I stood up to flush the toilet, there he was, the pervy spider with the urine fetish watching me!  I felt used, dirty, violated, and frightened.  The freaking beast was sitting there getting his jollies off of unsuspecting girls. And he has 6 eyes, so he is getting this image in his mind 6 ways to sunday!

I also hate how they hide in these horrible places like on the ceiling or in corners where my vacuum does not go!  Really, you sit there and threaten me in my home, then you hide away like some scared child!?  Well I hate kids Arachnid, so you are going down!

Spiders are the scum of the earth!  They are creepy, they kill things, and they can eat mammals!  Any bug that can eat a small furry creature is disgusting in my mind.

Things I hate. #1 PitBull Owners.

I currently live in a very nice community in a very well off city.  The city has a prime school district, so most of my neighbors are families with kids.  I hate children.  I really do... prob more than I hate animal cruelty. (Ok, so not that much, but close!) But I really dislike Pitbull owners who cannot manage their dogs!

The apartment next to me has been vacant for about a month now, and it was nice to not hear screaming children first thing in the morning, and it was nice to not have to see them climbing onto my balcony to tease my cat and dog....but now we have a young couple, (First time living with each other, which is always a blast since that means nothing but late night arguing and boning) who keep their pit on the balcony!

Friday, August 19, 2011

This is to make Smeller happy.... but is mostly about things I hate

I really do not have the right mindset to actually blog, but lets face it....if Tila Tequila has 100 hits a day, I can easily double it without strategic nip-slips.  (Prob tripple with nudity, but I have class... or I act like I do)

This blog is about my inner thoughts, and your lack of a social life to give you time to read my opinions on things that really don't matter.  My friend just thought it would be funny to read my inner thoughts, and since I can type faster than you can read... I might as well go for it.  (If I monetize I can make cash while doing it,  right after I sell all my gold at the mall and call that hand written sign on the street that states I can fire my boss.) I am going to be sooo freaking rich I can finally eat three meals a day in LA!